Soul Sword

This LEGO® MOC is a replica of the Soul Sword from Shadowhunters The Mortal Instruments.

Quick Facts

  • Building time: 90 minutes
  • Parts count: Approximately 600
  • Versions made: One
  • Dimensions: 111 cm long, 29 cm wide
  • Weight: 0.4kg / 0.9lb

The Design Process

This build was different to my normal builds in that there was a bit less detail, no lengthy design process and it was built a lot faster! Dominic Sherwood who plays Jace was coming to Oz Comic-Con and it was an opportunity for an epic photo that I couldn’t pass up! So I put my head down and managed to build the sword in 90 minutes before the event!

Dominic Sherwood with the LEGO Shadowhunters The Mortal Instruments Soul Sword at Oz Comic-Con Melbourne
Dominic Sherwood “Jace Herondale” with the Soul Sword from Shadowhunters

The hilt of the sword was fairly straightforward, using black “cheese slope” pieces on both sides to get the right curve effect. I used technic elements on the inside between the hilt and the blade to ensure it was stable enough to hold and swing. What’s the point in a LEGO® sword if you can’t give it a swoosh?

The next stage was the blade. Normally this is the easiest part of a LEGO® sword but the Soul Sword has a unique shape, as well as an indent. The challenge here was the indent compromised the strength of the blade. I decided to make the blade slightly thicker so I could incorporate long technic elements from the hilt around a third of the way into the blade. This meant that it was still stable and swooshable.

  • LEGO Shadowhunters the mortal instruments soul sword close up
  • LEGO Shadowhunters the mortal instruments soul sword close up
  • LEGO Shadowhunters the mortal instruments soul sword close up

The final stage was the extensions from the hilt to the blade. This was a challenge because pearl gold bricks are hard to come by and the closest substitute was brown. However, I didn’t have a lot of spare brown elements, and given this build needed to be ready so fast I wasn’t able to order any. With a lot of SNOT (Studs not on top) I was able to make use of the few parts I had to get the shape right. This part of the sword isn’t very stable, and falls off easily, but it isn’t part of the main frame so it holds together for a few swooshes and photo ops!

LEGO Shadowhunters the mortal instruments Soul Sword close up
This shows the other side of the sword, where it has slightly less detail but the colours and shape is consistent

I don’t like the idea of a LEGO® MOC that only looks right from one side, so I replicated the details underneath the sword as well. While not as detailed as the front due to a lack of pearl gold pieces, it still has the right shape and colours!


  • LEGO Shadowhunters Mortal Instruments Soul Sword
  • LEGO Shadowhunters Mortal Instruments Soul Sword

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