USS Zheng He

This LEGO® Star Trek MOC is a replica of the USS Zheng He, from Star Trek Picard. Check out the video here!

Quick Facts

Building time: One month | Parts count: Approx 800 | Dimensions: 51cm length, 29cm width



The Design Process

The Zheng He was a classic Star Trek starship build which made it really fun and allowed me to use the same techniques I have used on my other Star Trek MOCs like the Enterprise NX-01. It is generally a brick on brick build, with a few exceptions like the warp nacelles and the deflector. I focused on detail by adding in the lights on the saucer and the different colours so it isn’t a boring gray design.

The section of the build that was a little different was the warp nacelles. I decided to build them in a completely different way using plates instead of bricks and slopes. This allowed me to get the shape just right, though it mean that one side was the underneath of the studs. Still I think it worked well!


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