Stargate throwback

Here are some new edits on my USS Daedalus MOC from Stargate! LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site

Magical LEGO forest

Welcome to the Brik forest. It is a huge forest built entirely with LEGO bricks. It includes the Disney train, a massive battle scene between the forest people and the invaders from the Sci-Fi universe and a mountain border. The mountain climbs so high there is snow at the top! The forest has dozens of…

“To explore strange new worlds…”

I am working on some new and exciting Star Trek builds with LEGO bricks. Some previews are coming very soon! In the meantime here are some new edits of the classics – the Enterprise NCC-1701 and the Enterprise NX-01. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or…

Chevron 7 locked! New mini Stargate

I’ve been working on an exciting new LEGO build – a bigger enchanted forest, and I have been focusing on adding lots of minifigure-scale pop culture easter eggs from the likes of Battlestar Galactica, Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Snowpiercer, Doctor Who and Stargate. This means adding some old builds, like the Mk II…

Star Trek Coda

This one isn’t related to LEGO, but it is about Star Trek! I’ve been working on another creative project for a few years, it’s a fan fiction based in the Star Trek universe and it’s finally finished! If that’s something you’re interested in, you can check it out here. I also made a playlist for…

Nothing but the rain

I am back on YouTube! What better way to start than with the epic vipers!? Let me know which Viper is your favourite! LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site

So Say We All!

“What do you hear?” “Nothing but the rain” Battlestar Galactica is still one of my favourite shows, so it’s time for me to show off my first builds of 2022! I’ve rebuilt the Mark II and Mark VII vipers. These builds were so much fun and look great side by side on my shelf. Check…

The Space Liner Titanic

Doctor Who has always been incredibly creative on its Timey Wimey journey, so its no surprise the writers invented the Space Liner Titanic, in one of the Christmas Specials ‘The Voyage of the Damned’. It was an iconic episode, and the first episode of Doctor Who I ever saw. It made me realise what a…

Battle of the Swords!

I’ve finally hit 1000 subscribers on Youtube! So I did a bit of a different video to normal – a sword fight with the Zelda and Lord of the Rings LEGO® swords (The Master Sword and Anduril). Watch if you want to see some LEGO® get smashed and have a good laugh! LEGO® is a…

Sci-Fi Briks is now on TikTok!

I’ve started making TikTok videos! These short videos will be virtual tours of my MOCs, funny videos with LEGO®, trends and challenges and speed builds! Comment below what else you would like to see me post! And don’t forget to follow me! LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not…