More progress on The Discovery!

I know I’ve disappeared for a while, but I’ve still been building. I have finally come up with a design for the front of the warp nacelles of Discovery that I am happy with. I have also completely rebuilt the stardrive section to make it much more structurally sound and able to support the weight…

Destiny instructions are finished!

The building instructions for my mini-Destiny are ready! You can access them (along with the Daedalus on the building instructions page or in this post). As always, any feedback is most welcome. Happy building! I haven’t decided what’s next, but there’s a good chance it will be Prometheus, or something from Star Trek or Battlestar:…

The next set of building instructions – Destiny

I have started working on the LDD model of the Destiny from Stargate: Universe for my next building instructions. Its designed to be the same built size as the Daedalus model. At this stage, I just need to fine tune it, make sure all of the pieces are easy to source and sort out the…

Building instructions!

It’s taken me a while, but I am finally working on some building instructions. I plan to start with some new Stargate mini-ships (The Daedalus, The Prometheus, The Destiny). From there, we’ll see how it goes. More info to come! In the meantime here’s a preview of my the mini-Daedalus! Comment if you have anything…

USS Daedalus video

Have a look at my new video of the USS Daedalus from Stargate: Atlantis!

The USS Discovery

I still haven’t made up my mind about the ship from the new Star Trek series, but it’s a unique design, and its starting to grow on me. Its a difficult build for two reasons. Firstly, there aren’t many pictures of the ship so far and there are a few areas of the design that…

Daedalus-Class Battlecruiser (Stargate)

UPDATE 13/10/20: Check out the new page for the Daedalus-class Battlecruiser from Stargate! I know its taken me a while, but finally here are some good photos of the Daedalus-class Battlecruiser from Stargate SG-1, Atlantis and Universe. It took a lot of work to build, especially to get the details correct. This model is the…

It’s finally finished!

I’ve finally finished my Deadalus-class Battlecruiser from Stargate. It is probably my fifth or sixth attempt! This ship was my first sci-fi Lego creation many years ago. Here a few preview photos!

Repost of Stargate Mini ships

I thought I would repost my Stargate mini-ships because they were quite popular when I originally posted them. Destiny: Ori Mothership: The Deadalus: Prometheus: The Fleet: