Daedalus-Class Battlecruiser (Stargate)

UPDATE 13/10/20: Check out the new page for the Daedalus-class Battlecruiser from Stargate! I know its taken me a while, but finally here are some good photos of the Daedalus-class Battlecruiser from Stargate SG-1, Atlantis and Universe. It took a lot of work to build, especially to get the details correct. This model is the…

It’s finally finished!

I’ve finally finished my Deadalus-class Battlecruiser from Stargate. It is probably my fifth or sixth attempt! This ship was my first sci-fi Lego creation many years ago. Here a few preview photos!

The Odyssey

I thought I would put up a repost of my real first major project – the USS Odyssey from Stargate. I know it is far from perfect and I am considering a remake soon. I have actually made many versions of the Daedalus-Class and it was my first lego project to be photographed. And of…

More Stargate Minifigs!

Here are the rest of my Stargate Minifigs, with a little suprise at the end! Lt Ford: Lt Ford V2.0: Lt Matthew Scott: Richard Woolsey: Teal’c V1.0: Teal’c V2.0: Teyla V1.0: Teyla V2.0: And a preview of my new Hunger Games decals!:

Stargate F302 Repost

A Repost of my F-302 from Stargate. Unfortunately it is destroyed now. I only have three cockpits so I have to rotate through my fighters. Good news is that I am back online, the bad news is that I am unable to access facebook until Monday and thus unable to update the facebook page until…

Mini SGU–The Destiny

Here is a new mini ship. It is the Destiny from SGU. Soon enough (when I buy the pieces) I shall be completing at new large Destiny.

Lego Minifigures

My best Lego minifigures. I’m hoping to make some more B5 ones soon and more Stargate ones.

SG-U Minifigs

Some SG-U minifigs. Colonel Carter (Commander of the USS George Hammond) Lt. Matthew Scott