The Stargate

I’ve made a few versions of the Stargate over the years, but I thought it was time for a really detailed version. This model has 21 ‘modules’ linked together, and over 500 pieces. It is actually the first time I have designed a model without the parts and then ordered them and built it. I…

Daedalus-Class Battlecruiser (Stargate)

UPDATE 13/10/20: Check out the new page for the Daedalus-class Battlecruiser from Stargate! I know its taken me a while, but finally here are some good photos of the Daedalus-class Battlecruiser from Stargate SG-1, Atlantis and Universe. It took a lot of work to build, especially to get the details correct. This model is the…

It’s finally finished!

I’ve finally finished my Deadalus-class Battlecruiser from Stargate. It is probably my fifth or sixth attempt! This ship was my first sci-fi Lego creation many years ago. Here a few preview photos!

More progress on the Daedalus!

As you can see I have made a lot more progress on the ship! What I need to work on is details on the bays and underneath the ship. I also need to work on the engines. I am really happy with how its going so far, though it has been very frustrating trying to…

Dial the gate!

Here is a set of my latest model of the Stargate from Stargate SG-1. It took a while to build and every time I thought it was finished I added more details to it until I was satisfied. I based it off a model Stargate and pictures from the Internet. Unfortunately I did not have…

“Dial the gate!”

Here is my Stargate SG-1 Stargate model! This took a long while to build and lots of trial and error. In the future I may add the glyphs and an Iris, but this is it for now. I didn’t have the parts to build the full room so I built the columns to support the…

The Odyssey

I thought I would put up a repost of my real first major project – the USS Odyssey from Stargate. I know it is far from perfect and I am considering a remake soon. I have actually made many versions of the Daedalus-Class and it was my first lego project to be photographed. And of…

More Stargate Minifigs!

Here are the rest of my Stargate Minifigs, with a little suprise at the end! Lt Ford: Lt Ford V2.0: Lt Matthew Scott: Richard Woolsey: Teal’c V1.0: Teal’c V2.0: Teyla V1.0: Teyla V2.0: And a preview of my new Hunger Games decals!:

Stargate Minifigs

A repost of my Stargate Minifigs as promised! Again a lot of these photos have not been previously posted!   Lt Colonel Cameron Mitchell: Colonel Caldwell: Colonel Carter V1.0: Colonel Carter V2.0 (The only reason a second version was made was because I did not have the same wig and face anymore. I personally like…

The USS Daedalus

Working on a new USS Daedalus from Stargate at the moment, then I think after that I might make some Star Trek props. The new USS Daedalus will be far more accurate than previous versions and based straight off schematics from the Stargate Magazine. It will be about 2 thirds the size of Pegasus. Unfortunately…